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Lista deceselor notabile în 2017

Lista deceselor notabile în 2017
Lista deceselor notabile în 2017

Video: The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates 2024, Iulie

Video: The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates 2024, Iulie

o listă alfabetică de persoane care au murit în 2017.

  • Magdalena Abakanowicz

  • Omar Abdel Rahman

  • Peter Abrahams

  • Alexey A. Abrikosov

  • Roger Ailes

  • Brian W. Aldiss

  • Kishori Amonkar

  • Kenneth J. Arrow

  • John Ashbery

  • Walter Becker

  • Lyudmila Belousova

  • Liliane Bettencourt

  • Nicolaas Bloembergen

  • Jimmy Breslin

  • Trisha Brown

  • Glen Campbell

  • Eugene Cernan

  • Alan Colmes

  • Liam Cosgrave

  • Betty Cuthbert

  • Hans Georg Dehmelt

  • Jonathan Demme

  • Grăsimi Domino

  • JP Donleavy

  • Buchi Emecheta

  • Nancy vineri

  • William H. Gass

  • Sue Grafton

  • Dick Gregory

  • Peter Hall

  • Roy Halladay

  • Grant Hart

  • Sib Hashian

  • Hata Tsutomu

  • Connie Hawkins

  • Hugh Hefner

  • Herzog Roman

  • Steven Holcomb

  • John Hurt

  • Christine Keeler

  • Jake LaMotta

  • Legea cardinală Bernard

  • Jerry Lewis

  • Peter Mansfield

  • Charles Manson

  • Bruce McCandless

  • Martin McGuinness

  • Colin Earl Meads

  • Mihai, regele României

  • Kate Millett

  • Mary Tyler Moore

  • Warren („Pete”) Moore

  • Jeanne Moreau

  • Junie Morrison

  • Nicholas Mosley

  • Bharati Mukherjee

  • Samuel I. Newhouse, Jr.

  • Linda Nochlin

  • Michael Novak

  • George A. Olah

  • Derek Parfit

  • AR Penck

  • Tom Petty

  • René Préval

  • Om Puri

  • Hashemi Rafsanjani

  • Don Rickles

  • David Rockefeller

  • Harold Rosen

  • James Rosenquist

  • ʿAlī ʿAbd Allāh Ṣāliḥ

  • Vincent Scully

  • Sam Shepard

  • Joni Sledge

  • Olivier Smithies

  • Mário Soares

  • David Storey

  • Naim Suleymanoglu

  • Mel Tillis

  • Camioane Butch

  • Tom van Vollenhoven

  • Vladimir Voevodsky

  • Derek Walcott

  • Richard Wilbur

  • Malcolm Young